wandering texts, travelling objects 2017
Moving on the borders between culture, art and language
31 March – 8 April 2017
The Byre Theatre
The University of St Andrews,
Abbey Street, St Andrews,
Fife KY16 9LA
12 April – 6 May 2017
The Shoe Factory Social Club
St Mary’s Works – St Mary’s Plain,
Norwich NR3 3AF
26 May 2017
Cambridge Conversations in Translation
CRASSH – Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DT
The aims of the exhibition and workshops is to foster community involvement in investigating how translation stimulates and provokes the production of text-objects and works of visual art, and to make visible the kinds of conversations that can occur between different cultures, languages and modes of expression.
The ARTists
Kirsteen Anderson, Elise Aru, Heather Connelly, Calvin Crowe, Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Ira Lightman, John London, Canan Marasligil, Samuel Ross, Charles Sandison, Clive Scott, Simon Starling, George Szirtes & Clarissa Upchurch.
Also with contributions from
Translation Games and
the Othernessproject
has been devised and curated by Manuela Perteghella, Eugenia Loffredo and Anna Milsom
contact us: curator@transartation.co.uk
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